Nutritional therapy for the elderly

Nutritional therapy prevents malnutrition and supports the maintenance of functional capacity in the elderly.

A varied and sufficient diet supports our functional capacity as we age. Good nutritional status also speeds up recovery from illnesses.

If you are concerned about the quality of your diet, please get in touch with your local health station. A nurse or doctor will discuss the matter with you and provide nutritional guidance.

A nurse or doctor may also refer you to a nutritional therapist if you have, for example, experienced unintended weight loss or require enhanced nutritional care due to an illness.

If you are a home care or round-the-clock care client, the nutritional therapist will advise you or the persons caring for you on a suitable diet.

Nutritional therapists serve clients in varying locations. We will let you know where the therapy will take place during the reservation process or afterwards in a letter sent to your home address. We can also arrange a remote meeting or home visit.

The nutritional therapy services are free of charge. You need a referral to access the service.