The City of Helsinki on social media

Find the City of Helsinki’s main social media accounts on the channels below. Follow the accounts to receive current information on the City of Helsinki’s events, services and development. The primary language used on the accounts is Finnish.


The City of Helsinki’s Facebook account offers information on current events and services in Helsinki as well as the city’s development.

City of Helsinki on Facebook(Link leads to external service)


The City of Helsinki’s Instagram account offers content that is useful for Helsinki residents in their daily life and helps them take pride in their city. #Helsinki #Helsinkilive

City of Helsinki on Instagram(Link leads to external service)


The City of Helsinki’s LinkedIn account offers content that highlights important themes to the city. It also provides information on the City of Helsinki as the largest employer in Finland. #Vaikuttaviatöitä #Stadilladuunissa

City of Helsinki on LinkedIn(Link leads to external service)


The City of Helsinki’s X (previous Twitter) account offers information about Helsinki and its continuous development.

City of Helsinki on X(Link leads to external service)

Photo: Helsinki Partners

City of Helsinki’s many social media channels

The City of Helsinki’s services, such as schools, libraries and community centres, have numerous social media channels. You can find them on the website under the sections for each service, or you can search for them directly via each social media website’s search function.

The City of Helsinki’s divisions also list their most important social media channels on this page.

The divisions' important channels