TBE vaccine, also known as the 'tick vaccine'

If you spend a lot of time in nature in certain areas in Helsinki, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) recommends that you get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. In Helsinki, Karhusaari residents are offered the vaccine free of charge.

The TBE vaccine provides protection against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).

Please note that while the TBE vaccine is often called a 'tick vaccine', it does not protect you against ticks or prevent a tick from attaching itself to your skin. The most common disease spread by ticks is borreliosis, i.e. Lyme disease. There is no vaccine against this.

The free-of-charge TBE vaccination series is provided to people who have a permanent address in Karhusaari or a long-term holiday apartment in the area. This vaccination is included in the national vaccination programme. The vaccines are administered at the health stations by appointment only. Book your appointment by calling or messaging your health station in Maisa.

Children aged 7 and younger are vaccinated at Itäkatu Family Centre. Book the appointment by calling the maternity and child health clinic, tel. +358 9 3105 5530 (weekdays 8.00-14.00).

The TBE vaccine will be administered to schoolchildren and students residing in Karhusaari by the school and student health care services. The vaccinations are available from February onwards. You can get vaccinated by contacting the nurse at your school or educational institution.

The vaccine is also recommended to everyone staying in Karhusaari for an extended period of time. They must pay for the vaccine themselves.

Areas in which THL recommends the TBE vaccine, are:

Etelä-Laajasalo (00870)
Jollas/Villinki (00850)
Kivinokka (00810)
Roihuvuori (00820, 00880)
Länsi-Herttoniemi (00800)
Herttoniemenranta (00810)

The vaccine is recommended to permanent and holiday residents of the areas listed above, as well as people often engaging in outdoor activities in these areas. If you belong in one of these groups, you need a prescription, which you can acquire by contacting your health station in Maisa or by phone. You can then buy the vaccine yourself at a pharmacy.

The TBE vaccination series includes three vaccine doses. The vaccination series should be started no later than at the beginning of spring so that two doses can be administered before the summer. It is recommended, that the first two doses are received whilst there is still snow on the ground.

There is no need for the TBE vaccine elsewhere in Helsinki.

Service points

23 service points
Haagan terveysasema

Haaga Health Station

Address: Huovitie 5, 00400 Helsinki

Jakomäki Health Station

Address: Vuorensyrjä 8, 00770 Helsinki

Kalasatama Health Station

Address: Työpajankatu 14 A, 00580 Helsinki
Kannelmäen terveysasema.

Kannelmäki Health Station

Address: Kaustisenpolku 6a, 00420 Helsinki

Kivelä Health Station

Address: Sibeliuksenkatu 14, 00260 Helsinki

Kivikko Health Station

Address: Kivikonkaari 21, 00940 Helsinki

Kontula Health Station

Address: Ostoskuja 3, 00940 Helsinki

Laajasalo Health Station

Address: Koulutanhua 2 A, 00840 Helsinki