Pihlajamäki Health Station and Pihlajamäki Maternity and Child Health Clinic are temporarily closed due to water damage

The telephone services of Pihlajamäki health station and the maternity and child health clinic are operating normally.

  • Starting from Monday 29 July, Pihlajamäki Health Station's services will be available at Pukinmäki Health Station, Säterintie 2.
  • Starting from Wednesday 14 August, Pihlajamäki maternity and child health clinic’s services will be available in Herttoniemi, Siilikuja 3, building D, 1st floor.

For up-to-date information, see this news

Maternity and child health clinic psychologist

We assess the child's development and the need for support. We also provide short-term discussion support for parents.

The maternity and child health clinic psychologist can support the child's development and help detect possible developmental challenges as early as possible.

With parental consent, the child can be referred to us by a child health clinic's nurse or doctor, for example. The child can be referred to us to determine their developmental level and assess the need for support measures, or if the child is being considered for an examination of specialised medical care.

For example, your maternity clinic's nurse or doctor can refer you to us if you have had previous miscarriages, suffer parental fatigue, or need short-term support in adjusting to parenthood.

You need a referral to access our service. The service is free of charge.

Service points

10 service points

Maternity and child health clinic psychologist in Lassila

Address: Kaupintie 11 A, 00440 Helsinki

Maternity and child health clinic psychologist in Maunula

Address: Suursuonlaita 1, 00630 Helsinki

Maternity and child health clinic psychologist in Oulunkylä

Address: Kylänvanhimmantie 25, 00640 Helsinki

Maternity and child health clinic psychologist in Pihlajamäki

Address: Meripihkatie 8, 00710 Helsinki

Maternity and child health clinic psychologists at the Kallio Family Centre

Address: Toinen linja 4 C, 00530 Helsinki