Compulsory education continues until legal adulthood
Every Finnish child must attend compulsory education. Compulsory education begins with pre-primary education and continues until the person reaches the age of 18 or completes an upper secondary qualification. An upper secondary qualification can be a general upper secondary qualification or a vocational qualification. If it is not possible for the young person to complete an educational qualification, they can participate in TELMA training.
Studies after basic education
In the spring of ninth grade, students completing their basic education must apply for upper secondary education, vocational education or TUVA education through the joint application process.
TUVA is a training programme that prepares students for programmes leading to a qualification, helping them to develop their study skills and think about their career choices. TUVA replaced previous forms of education previously known as the 10th grade.
You may find a suitable study path based on your wishes and interests, but it can also be influenced by your functional capacity or previous success in your studies.
If you enjoy reading books, your choice may be upper secondary school or a university of applied sciences. Vocational school and apprenticeship training may suit you if you prefer learning by doing rather than through reading.
Read more about education after comprehensive school on the Education Division’s webpages
If you need support in finding your own study path, you can get in touch with Ohjaamo, an advice and guidance service for young people in Helsinki.
Learn more about Ohjaamo Helsinki's services(Link leads to external service)
Special study support
Whether you choose to go into general upper secondary education, an apprenticeship, or vocational education and training after comprehensive school, you will be able to get a wide range of support for your studies. For example, in upper secondary school, a special education teacher can help you study. If you have reading difficulties, you may be given extra time to complete any tests.
You can also receive special support in vocational education and training, if you need it. In Finland there are also institutions that provide vocational special needs education to students who need special support in learning and studying.
Read more about special support for vocational studies on Studyinfo’s website
You can also apply for personal assistance to support you in your studies from the City's disability services.
Read more about getting personal assistance
Training try-out
A training try-out may be useful to you if you are between 16 and 29 years old and are finding it hard to choose a specific education or training programme. You can choose the educational institution you want to try out, and Kela pays the costs of the try-out to the educational institution.
Read more about training try-outs on Kela's website(Link leads to external service)
TELMA training
TELMA training is a training programme that prepares young people for work and independent living. Intended for young people who are not able to participate in education towards a qualification, the training aims to help you develop your working and functional competences, find meaningful work or work activities, learn everyday skills, and live as independent a life as possible.
Journeys to a from your place of study
You may apply for transport services If you are unable to travel to your new place of study by public transport. Submit your application in good time, as soon as you find out where you are going to study.
Read more about transport services and how to apply
Tuition fees and support
In Finland, after comprehensive school, studies in general upper secondary education, vocational education and training, and universities of applied sciences are free of charge.
Students can apply for a study grant, a government guarantee for a student loan, and a housing supplement from Kela. Alternatively, a young person with a disability can study with the help of a rehabilitation allowance for young persons. You can also apply for support from Kela for study costs, school supplies or study aids.