Social and disability services for children and families

As a parent of child with an illness or a disability, you may need outside help. There is a wide range of support available for families, and we can help you find the forms of assistance that best suit your needs.

Our services for your family

Helsinki provides a wide range of social services for families with children. You can ask our social counselling service for families with children for more information about social services.  

See the contact information of social counselling for families with children

Sometimes families have a significant need for support or special expertise. Special needs families have access to all basic services, but disability services may also be needed at some point. We serve Helsinki residents with disabilities under the age of 18 at the Kallio Office Building and the Itäkatu Family Centre. You can apply for short-term care, support for informal care, or a place in foster care from disability services, among other things.

Find out more about disability services by contacting the counselling service for people with disabilities 

Social counselling for families with children

Social counselling for families with children advises and helps families with children under the age of 18. You can contact us at a low threshold when you are seeking solutions to upbringing issues, parenting challenges or straining daily life. You do not need to know in advance what kind of help your family would benefit from.

Read more about social counselling for families with children

Family counselling clinic 

In addition to offering family social work services, the family counselling clinic provides help to families in various crisis situations. The staff includes social workers and psychologists. Also, various groups for parents and groups aiming to help families support their child’s emotional and social development hold meetings at the clinic.  

Read more about the family counselling clinic 

Home services for families with children

The home services for families with children provide practical help to families in difficult times. The services can help you with everyday tasks such as household chores and childcare. You can get home services for families with children based on a special family situation, for example.  

Read more about home services for families with children 

Home services for families with children are generally subject to a fee. However, according to a decision by the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Committee,  the services are free of charge to families with children in need of special support who are clients of social work and have their need for home services recorded in their client plan.

Family social work   

A family that welcomes a child with special needs may need specialised support. Family social services provide support in various situations, such as when your child falls ill or you are exhausted as a parent. A social worker will prepare a client plan which details the most suitable services and support measures for you. In carrying out family social work, we collaborate with schools, daycare centres, family counselling clinics and specialised health care services.  

See the contact information of family social work services 

Being an informal caregiver to a child 

Informal care refers to care and support provided at home to a person with a disability or illness with the help of their relative or loved one. The informal caregiver is entitled to a caregiver's fee and statutory days off. If you are your child’s informal caregiver, your child will be able to receive care at a short-term housing service unit for the duration of your leave.  

Read more about informal care

Short-term housing service units for children are available in the group homes of Visiitti, Harbo and Isonniitynkatu.

Read more about short-term housing and crisis care 

Family care 

If your child needs care around the clock and it is not possible to care for them at home even with the support of other services, you can apply for your child to receive a place in family care. In family care, your child will receive family-like care in a family home. Family homes are located in Helsinki, the Helsinki metropolitan area, and other municipalities in Finland.

Read more about family care  

Home care 

The family of a child with a severe illness or disability may need more support in taking care of the child. One option for support is home care, which is a service package consisting of home health care and home services. Home care may be granted on a regular or temporary basis.

Read more about home care