Informal care social counsellors guide and advise informal care families and provide up-to-date information on services. Informal care social counsellors also organise informal caregiver coaching courses for new caregivers and the Life after Informal Care (Omaishoitajasta omaiseksi) groups for caregivers whose loved ones are moving or have already moved to a care home. The service is free of charge.
Additional information
For more information on the content and schedules for the groups, please get in touch with an informal care social counsellor.
- Southern Gerontological Social Work: Informal Care Social Counsellor, Maarit Hirvonen, tel. +358 (0) 9 310 74208(Link starts a phone call)
- Western Gerontological Social Work: Informal Care Social Counsellor, Marja Laurila, tel. +358 (0) 9 310 24213(Link starts a phone call)
- Northern Gerontological Social Work: Informal Care Social Counsellor, Kirsi Rantanen, tel. +358 (0) 9 310 46818(Link starts a phone call)
- Eastern Gerontological Social Work: Informal Care Social Counsellor, Tuulia Kivisaari, tel. +358 (0) 9 310 73995(Link starts a phone call)