Tuomarinkartano outdoor recreation area

The old Tuomarinkylä manor area with its fields and gardens is a culturally valuable outdoor destination. The area covers 21.5 hectares.
Hevosajelu Tuomarinkylän kartanon heinäpellolla.
Photo: Seppo Laakso

Description of the outdoor recreation area 

The culturally valuable old Tuomarinkylä manor area with its fields and gardens was mentioned in the chronicles already in 1417. The area covers 21.5 hectares. There are hiking roads and a large riding centre with two outdoor riding arenas, five stables, two indoor riding arenas and five kilometres of riding trails. There is also a greyhound centre in the area.

General rules 

In all outdoor areas, observe Everyman’s Rights and rules and move responsibly in nature: 

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map

The area has a riding centre, indoor and outdoor riding arenas, stables and riding trails. There is also a greyhound centre in the area.

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map. - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)
Heinätalkoot Tuomarinkylän kartanon pellolla.
Photo: Seppo Laakso
Kolme henkilöä kävelemässä hiekkatiellä.
Photo: Seppo Laakso