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A plot division is a plan on a map in which a building block area designated in the detailed plan, or a part of it, is divided into plots. In Helsinki, plot divisions are composed as separate and binding plot divisions, meaning that plot divisions designated in detailed plans are only indicative.
A plot division involves determining the planned plots' numbers, surface areas, boundary lengths, boundary points and their coordinates, the buildings in the area, and the real estates and parcels of land forming the plots and their sub-areas. If necessary, the plot division also addresses transport connections.
Before a plot division is drawn up, it is possible to order a division estimate for a fee to find various division alternatives.
Please apply for a plot division if a plot, premises or a parcel of land you own has not been formed into a plot in accordance with the detailed plan and plot division in force.
A plot means a real estate that has been formed in accordance with the binding plot division in force in the detailed plan area and entered into the real estate register as a plot. For example, building permits are not granted until the plot has been entered into the real estate register.
Please apply for a property definition if there are any unclear matters related to the extent of your real estate or its easement area. For example, if the locations of the boundaries or boundary markers of your real estate are unclear, you can apply for a boundary demarcation procedure.
A landowner or land holder can apply for a plot division, a plot division change and parcelling.
A plot division is drawn up and cadastral surveys are initiated when applied for. You can order a division estimate less formally by phone or text message, for example.
Apply for a plot division
You can apply for a plot division electronically via Lupapiste or by sending a signed cadastral survey application by email to the Real Estate Formation Unit.
The plot division process will take roughly 1-2 months. If your case is urgent, you can expedite the process by acquiring the approval of all parties concerned in writing.
The service is subject to a fee.
You can apply for a plot division and plot parcelling through the same cadastral survey form. In the Lupapiste service, first apply for a plot division and then for real estate formation. You can find instructions for submitting an application in Lupapiste at the bottom of the page.
Additional information
Submit the following attachments when necessary:
- a power of attorney if the applicant is not the owner or holder of the real estate
- a trade register or register of associations registration certificate for verifying the right to sign
- a reservation decision if the area in question is owned by the City
- an attachment map (e.g. division estimate)
- an attachment map in a vector format (e.g. DWG or DGN)
invoicing information
approval of the plot division from the party concerned
- a copy of the estate inventory or report on family
relationships if the real estate is owned by an estate; information of the heirs suffices
- a company law decision on the plot division being applied for.
Use the online service
Send us an email
Send the cadastral survey application by email
Fill in a form
Apply for a plot division with a cadastral survey application
Order a plot division estimate
You can order a plot division estimate from the experts of the Real Estate Formation Unit by phone or email.
The division estimate will take roughly three business days to complete.
The service is subject to a fee.
Order a plot division estimate
Timo Tutti tel. +358 (0)9 3103 1874
Eero Jalkanen tel. +358 (0)9 3103 6791
Lauri Raunu tel. +358 (0)9 3103 1882
Send us an email
Order a plot division estimate by email
Apply for plot parcelling
You can apply for plot parcelling electronically via Lupapiste or by sending a cadastral survey form by email to the Real Estate Formation Unit.
The plot parcelling process takes 1-4 months on average. If your case is urgent, you can expedite the process by acquiring the approval of all parties concerned in writing.
The service is subject to a fee.
You can apply for a plot division and plot parcelling through the same cadastral survey form. In the Lupapiste service, first apply for a plot division and then for real estate formation.
Additional information
If necessary, submit the following attachments:
- a power of attorney if the applicant is not the owner or holder of the real estate
- a trade register or register of associations registration certificate for verifying the right to sign
- a reservation decision if the area in question is owned by the City
- the lease contract
- invoicing information
- approval of the plot parcelling from the party concerned
- a verified estate inventory or report on family relationships if the real estate owner or applicant is an estate
- a signed easement contract with attachment maps.
Use the online service
Send us an email
Send the application by email
Fill in a form
Apply for plot parcelling with a cadastral survey application
View the easement contract template
Apply for property definition
You can apply for a property definition, e.g. a boundary demarcation procedure, electronically via Lupapiste or by sending a signed cadastral survey application by email to the Real Estate Formation Unit.
Attach a map that indicates the real estate boundary and
site to be defined and your invoicing information to the application.
The property definition process will take roughly 1-4 months.
The service is subject to a fee.
Use the online service
Send us an email
Send the application by email
Fill in a form
Apply for property definition with a cadastral survey application
Displayed and approved plot divisions
Preparing a plot division requires hearing the parties concerned, i.e. the owners and holders of the plot division area and the real estates demarcated by it. The plot division proposals are displayed publically for 14 days. During this period, the parties concerned have the right to file an objection.
We will inform the parties concerned by posting a letter to them. The plot division proposals will be displayed on the City’s website and the Urban Environment Division’s customer service terminals at the address Työpajankatu 8.
Go and view plot divisions on display
Plot divisions on display(Link leads to external service)
Go and view approved plot divisions
Read more
In addition to a plot division, plot parcelling and property definition, you can apply for the following procedures:
- Plot partitioning
- Land exchange in connection with plot parcelling
- Purchase of a part of a plot in connection with plot parcelling
You can apply for these procedures via the same channels as plot parcelling.
The composition of a plot division and plot division possibilities are affected by factors such as:
- detailed plan markings and regulations pertaining to the plot division area
- the amount of permitted building volume used and remaining in the plot division area
- the locations of buildings in the area (e.g. fire safety distances)
- the possibilities of arranging transport connections and technical maintenance.
To begin with, a plot formed in the plot division process must be such that it can be used to construct a building with normal walls that conforms to the detailed plan regulations and the permitted building volume and has additional building rights.
For more information, see the instructions: Plot division and estimate service (finnish) (PDF)
A plot division estimate is a map drawing that can also be used in the sales brochure, deed, partition or distribution of estate process of a real estate or parcel of land, as well as in a division and easement contract as an attachment map. The plot division estimate does not obligate the landowners to apply for a plot division change.
The plot parcelling procedure involves:
- inspecting the old boundaries and building new boundary markers for the plot in the terrain if necessary
- holding a procedure meeting if necessary, with the necessary parties invited to attend by the cadastral procedure engineer
- establishing the necessary easements, such as transport connection and utility easements.
Minutes and a plot map are drawn up regarding the procedure. After the parcelling procedure, the plot is entered into the real estate register.
The requirements for plot parcelling are:
- a plot division conforming to the detailed plan currently in force
- that the owner has registered ownership of all the real estates or parcels of land that will comprise the plot in accordance with the plot division
- that the different easements established for the plot area do not pose an obstacle.
If the area of the plot established in the plot division is the same as the area of the old plot, the plot can be entered into the real estate register with certain requirements without fieldwork in less than a month with the real estate register holder’s decision (plot registration). You can apply a for plot registration the same way as for plot parcelling, but you must select ‘plot registration’ as the procedure being applied for. The registration process is subject to a fee in accordance with the cadastral survey tariff in force.
Boundary demarcation involves establishing and confirming the location of the boundaries and, if necessary, building new official boundary markers in the terrain to replace lost ones. The procedure is carried out at a procedure meeting to which all parties whose rights are affected are invited. After that, the boundaries are entered into the real estate register.
- In a detailed plan, land is divided into units based on their intended use. The detailed plan and detailed plan regulations provide for the volume, placement and method of construction.
- Public areas designated in the detailed plan (street, market square, park, hazardous area, water area, etc.) are separated for the City in a public area parcelling procedure. The public areas are entered into the real estate register as real estates.
- A block is divided into building sites, i.e. plots, with a plot division procedure. The plot division is a plan drawn up onto a map that determines the surface areas, boundaries and transport connections of the plots.
- A plot is formed into real estates with a plot parcelling procedure. It involves marking the boundaries of the plot in the terrain and establishing the legal registration conditions of the plot. A building can be built on a plot entered into the real estate register.
- The location of the building is marked in the terrain. Once the foundation of the building is complete, the location will be checked. A completely built plot is thus fully developed land.
- Cadastral survey application / Plot division application / Parcelling application (in Finnish, PDF) (Link leads to external service)
- Plot division approval form (in Finnish, PDF)
- Plot parcelling approval form (in Finnish, DOCX) (Link leads to external service)
- City of Helsinki municipal register information request form (in Finnish, PDF) (Link leads to external service)
- Easement contract and attachment map template (in Finnish, PDF)
- Easement survey approval (in Finnish, DOCX) (Link leads to external service)
City Survey Services’ price list and Lupapiste instructions
City survey services are subject to a fee.
See all the fees:
City survey price list (in Finnish, PDF)(Link leads to external service)
You can apply for a plot division or cadastral surveys, ask for advice with a service request and submit documents electronically in the Lupapiste service(Link leads to external service).
How to start and ask for advice in Lupapiste
- Register when using the service for the first time. After that, you can log in with your email address and password.
- Select “Kysy neuvoa” (‘Ask for advice’) or “Tee hakemus” (‘Submit an application’) in the upper right corner of the page.
- Enter the address or real property unit identification number of the site.
- Select “Kiinteistötoimitukset ja tonttijaot” (‘Cadastral surveys and plot divisions’).
- Select the appropriate application type:
- select “Tonttijako” (‘Plot division’) if a plot division is to be changed or is missing entirely
- select “Kiinteistönmuodostus” (‘Real estate formation’) if the plot division is in order and you are only applying for plot parcelling or registration
- select “Rasitetoimitus” (‘Easement survey’) if you are only applying for the establishment/changing/removal of easements
- select “Rajankäynti ja muut kiinteistönmääritykset” (‘Boundary demarcation and other property definitions’) if you are only applying for a cadastral procedure concerning a boundary or boundary marker(s), for example.
- Select either “Kysy neuvoa” (‘Ask for advice’) or “Tee hakemus” (‘Submit an application’).
- When you select ‘Submit an application’, you can enter the actual application information and add the necessary attachments.
- When you select ‘Ask for advice’, you can ask experts for details regarding the site or application type without submitting an actual application.
- “Hankkeen kuvaus” (‘Project description’): Fill out the appropriate sections in the “Kohteena oleva kiinteistö” (‘Real estate in question’) and “Tonttijako” (‘Plot division’) menus.
- In the ‘Plot division’ section, specify what kind of plot division you are applying for. Mention any plot division estimates or previous negotiations with Real Estate Formation experts.
- Parties: enter the information requested in the “Osapuolet” (‘Parties’) tab. You can authorise other persons. If there are several applicants, you can invite other applicants to the same form. Enter the information of the payer(s) of the plot division application.
- “Suunnitelmat ja liitteet” (‘Plans and attachments’): add the necessary attachments, such as a plot division estimate, negotiation memo, illustrative image of the plot and/or reservation decision.
Linking applications
- Once you have submitted a plot division application, you can link other application types to one application with the “Hae kiinteistönmuodostusta” (‘Apply for real estate formation’) function.
- Select “Luo kiinteistönmuodostushakemus” (‘Create a real estate formation application’).
Need help with using Lupapiste?
See the Lupapiste user instructions(Link leads to external service) for instructions for registering and logging in, creating a new application or a service request, changing a service request into a permit application or submitting an application, among other things.
You can request technical support for using Lupapiste with a support request form(Link leads to external service).