You are provided with information on disability services and how to apply for them. We have compiled all the forms and information about our services in easy-to-read language. We have also listed contact information for organisations.
We offer various housing services such as supported housing, service housing and family care. You can also find information on apartment modifications and other housing services.
A personal assistant assists you with daily activities that you would otherwise not be able to do as a result of your disability or illness. You can engage in recreational activities with a support person.
Informal care means that a close relative or friend cares for you. Your informal caregiver receives compensation for your care and is also entitled to days off.
You can get support for your trips to and from your workplace, school and leisure activities. You can also apply for financial support in order to purchase a vehicle.
You can find information on the services of the Disability Outpatient Clinic and our other health and rehabilitation services.
We offer meaningful day activities at our service centres for people past the compulsory education age. You can participate in work activities at the service centres or at workplaces. We also offer job coaching and career planning.
Social work includes counselling, conducting service needs assessments, preparing client plans and decision-making. We carry out these tasks in close collaboration with you and your loved ones, and with the involvement of other professionals.