
Pitäjänmäen toimistotilojen keskittymä
Pitäjänmäki is a vibrant mix of residential and commercial areas. In the coming years, the appearance of Pitäjänmäentie will be improved by turning it into a pleasant street with rows of trees.

Pitäjänmäki as an area

With the completion of the Jokeri Light Rail, Pitäjänmäki will also see a lot of new housing and commercial space.

In the next few years, changes to the zoning plan will bring more housing and services to the Pitäjänmäki district. Up to 1,700 new apartments are targeted for the district by 2030. The new dwellings will mainly be in apartment blocks in various types of tower- and slab blocks.

Pitäjänmäki is the largest cluster for jobs in the Helsinki region after the city centre. New construction is planned for the commercial area as a result of the zoning changes; for example, around 10,000 m² of floor area for new commercial and office space is planned along Pitäjänmäentie. In addition, existing premises will be renovated and put to new uses. By 2030, the aim is to create up to 2,000 new jobs in Pitäjänmäki. For more information on business opportunities in the city of Helsinki see the “For companies” page.

•    On the western side of Pitäjänmäki station park, housing and new commercial space will be planned for the future Rantaradananaukio square. The area will provide homes for about 550 new residents. Pitäjänmäki station park and its buildings will be protected.
•    The Kutomotie area will have around 1,200 new residents and new commercial space in the new Kutomoaukio square, which will be built along Pitäjänmäentie. At the end of Kutomokuja, there will be a new municipal daycare centre for around 200 children. 
•    The Tali Sports Park is currently undergoing a zoning change. Plans include an extension to the tennis centre, changes to the sports park’s parking areas and trails, and a new sports hall on Huopalahdentie.
•    Various options for future land use are being explored in the Valio area. On the east side of Vihdintie, the location of residential blocks, a school and a day care centre are being studied. The north-south recreational route and a large part of the wooded parkland with its fortifications will be preserved. The local detailed planning for this area between the Coastal Railway and Kaupintie will take place between 2022 and 2027.


Local detailed plans determine the land use of an area, where we build housing, offices, parks, streets and other roads, for example.

Pitäjänmäen suunnitelmat kartalla - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Traffic connections

Jokeri Light Rail is an express tramway line to be built between Itäkeskus and Keilaniemi, replacing bus line 550. The fast tramway will make it easier to move between districts. New pedestrian and cycle paths are planned around the Jokeri Light Rail stops. Read more about Jokeri Light Rail
Pitäjänmäki has two railway stations. Valimo station will be developed with the Vihdintie boulevard. The station is being planned as an urban and densely built public transport hub. Pitäjänmäki station is a protected site thanks to its old wooden buildings and the station park. A zoning change is under preparation for the station area.

Pitäjänmäen suojeltu asemarakennus
Photo: Tero Pajukallio


Use the below to find out more about the services in the area. 

Pitäjänmäen palvelut palvelukartalla - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Contact information

Lotta Suominen

Project Manager
Urban development in Pitäjänmäki

Linda Toivonen

Project Engineer
Urban development in Pitäjänmäki