
Tyttö pyöräilee Meri-Rastilassa.
Photo: Lauri Rotko

In Meri-Rastila, the stunning marine environment creates a wonderful setting for outdoor recreation and relaxation. Urban renewal will bring a wealth of new housing opportunities to the area. 

Meri-Rastila is facing a major suburban regenaration, with new homes for up to 4,400 new residents being built near the metro station in the coming years. Urban renewal will be achieved through two major schemes (west and east) and the renewal of services. The renewal will start once the its detailed plans have been finalised. The infill construction is estimated to start in 2023–2024, but will take more than a decade to complete.
The change will bring construction on new plots at the edges of green areas. Some buildings will be demolished once new ones have been built to replace them. At the same time, the area’s parks, squares, transport links and both public and commercial services will be improved. The Rastila business centre is being developed and a new community building will be built to bring services together. The shared facilities will house a primary school, daycare centre, youth centre, playground and residential facilities.

The seaside and proximity to nature will remain the starting points for development. Public art will be introduced to highlight the area’s originality and recognisable landmarks, in line with the percent-for-art principle. Meri-Rastila wants to introduce art to enliven the urban environment already during the construction phase.

Ramsinranta has already seen the construction of detached houses on the seafront. In the future, apartment buildings will also be built in the area. Hotel Rantapuisto will be expanded and a spa will be added. Hotel Vuoranta will be converted into high-quality sheltered housing for the elderly. A new seaside trail is planned right on the seafront. Ramsinranta is also home to the protected Rastilanneva.


Local detailed plans determine the land use of an area, where we build housing, offices, parks, streets and other roads, for example.

Meri-Rastila's plan on a map. - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)
Pariskunta rannalla Meri-Rastilassa.


Contact information

Linda Toivonen

Project Engineer
City Executive Office, Regional Construction