Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division’s transformation programme 2023–2026

The Finnish Government has demanded that Helsinki, the HUS Group and all wellbeing services counties prepare transformation programmes to balance their finances.
Photo: Lille Santanen

As a result, the City of Helsinki Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division has prepared a transformation programme for 2023–2026. The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Committee decided on the preparation of the programme in spring 2023. 

The financial transformation programme will help ensure that we will continue to be able to secure high-quality social services, health care and rescue services for the residents of Helsinki. 

The purpose of the transformation programme is to seek ways to increase the effectiveness, cost efficiency, productivity and income of our operations without compromising on the services that our clients need. 

The implementation of the transformation programme is centred around five themes: 

  1. Service structure and management, consisting of measures for e.g. developing client onboarding and making service structures lighter by shifting the focus from heavy and expensive forms of treatment to lighter and preventive services. 
  2. Increasing income and defining the service portfolio, which we will carry out through advocacy, possibly examining client fees and the content of our service portfolio and effectively collecting fees. 
  3. Developing the service network and facilities, consisting of measures focusing on the development of functionally and financially effective solutions. 
  4. Provision method choices and procurement, consisting of measures focusing on providing our services appropriately. 
  5. Common measures, consisting of division-wide financial adaptation measures and City-wide measures. 

The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Committee will discuss the measures of the transformation programme planned for 2024 in connection with discussing the action plan and budget for 2024 on 12 and 19 December 2023.