Arabia waterfront park maintenance and development plan

A plan will be drawn up for the Arabia waterfront park to guide the park’s landscape management and use in the coming years and suggest new functions for the park.
Avarassa puistossa kulkee hiekkatie. Tien veressä on kivikkoinen ranta.

The Arabia waterfront park is located between Vanhankaupunginlahti bay and the Arabianranta district, stretching from Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids all the way to Hermannin rantatie. The southern part of the park is also known as the Toukola waterfront park. The extensive waterfront park is an actively used green area of significant natural, recreational and landscape value.

What is being planned for the park

The city is currently preparing a maintenance and development plan for the waterfront park. The aim of the work is to update the vegetation management plan and to plan the park’s use and new functions.

  • Multi-species meadows will be added and lawns reduced. With the larger meadows, the goal is to increase biodiversity and limit the presence of barnacle geese in lawn areas.
  • The views towards the pond and the sea will be opened up by clearing the brush and reed regularly and according to need. The maintenance of the park is a long-term project, and the results will begin to emerge after about 3–6 years of active work.
  • Soil collapses in the park will be repaired. The Arabianranta district was originally built on unstable clay and reclaimed land. The soil that is now under the buildings was reinforced, but this was not done in the park; when the park was planned, it was known that the ground would sink. The park’s soil is still sinking slowly, causing potholes and depressions at the border of the blocks and the park.
  • The disc golf baskets located in the park will be moved to a wider area. A barbecue area has been proposed for the park, either at the end of the Kumpulanpuro stream in the southern part of the park or on the shore in the northern part of the park. Benches and picnic tables will be added throughout the park.
  • Crossing areas and cycle paths in the park will be distinguished more clearly from walking routes.

The plan also presents other, separate improvement projects. These require further planning and are potential future projects:

  • Building a recreational pier. The primary location is the shore of the pond in the southern part of the park, and the second option is the seafront at Kaj Franckin katu. It is technically possible, but very expensive due to difficult foundation construction conditions. A pier suitable for swimming is not possible due to the shallowness of Vanhankaupunginlahti bay and the pollution of the seabed.
  • A place for a café. The proposed location is ground-floor business premises in the block area on the edge of the park, since it is practically impossible to establish a café on unstable shore land due to the high costs.

A draft of the maintenance and development plan was available for comment at leads to external service) in February–March 2023. The survey is now closed, but the draft and residents’ comments can still be viewed.

Read more about the Arabia waterfront park maintenance and development plan (PDF, 96 MB, in Finnish)