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Find municipal decisions in the Decision-making section.
The City of Helsinki is the largest employer in Finland. We have over 37,000 professionals in four divisions and the City’s central administration. Together, we provide local residents with high-quality services and build the foundation for good living in Helsinki.
Approximately 15,000 education professionals work at the Education Division. We work in early childhood education (age 0-5) and pre-primary education (age 5 and 6), basic education (age 7-15), and in vocational schools, general upper secondary schools, adult education centres, as well as in the division administration.
For a permanent position in a daycare centre or school, you need to have good Finnish or Swedish language proficiency, as most of the teaching and care are conducted in the local languages. We can also provide language training to our employees.
To work at a daycare centre, you need to hold either a vocational upper secondary qualification (early childhood education carer) or Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (early childhood education teacher).
However, for temporary/fixed term contracts we also consider applicants who are completing their early childhood education training, as well as those who have diverse work experience in early childhood education (applicants for early childhood education teachers) and who have previous experience working with children (applicants for early childhood education carers).
Comprehensive school teachers are required to have a master's degree, including specialisation in pedagogical studies and teaching practice.
For temporary school teaching and assistant jobs suitable applicants without formal qualification are considered.
To be considered for a permanent job as a teacher or an early childhood education teacher, the candidate must -by law- have at least Bachelors’Degree in Education. A foreign qualification must be recognised by the Finnish National Agency of Education(Link leads to external service) (Opetushallitus, OPH). It is, however, possible to work in a fixed term contract without OPH recognition certificate.
Temporary work is also available through our partner, workforce leasing company Seure.
Start learning Finnish or Swedish by finding a suitable language course for your needs:
Learn more about registering as a job seeker in Finland(Link leads to external service) and browse vacancies(Link leads to external service) in the Job Market.
Helsinki has also a number of private and/or state-owned daycare centres and schools that offer education in English and other languages. In these daycare centres and schools you can teach fully in English or in an other language and the qualification requirements might vary.
Learn more: Early childhood education in different languages in Helsinki.
There are also private and state-owned schools offering education in different languages. Learn about the different school options in our guide to international families.
Our vision is to be the best and the most equitable place to learn in the world. We do our meaningful work together and in collaboration with one another. Please connect with us!
Helsinki oppii (Link leads to external service)
@helsinki_oppii (Link leads to external service)
@helsinkioppii (Link leads to external service)
Helsingin kasvatus ja koulutus (Link leads to external service)
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