Data and digitalisation help run a smart city

Knowledge-based management and digitalisation are widely promoted in many of the city’s support processes and services. Operational environment information relevant to the organisation of operations and services has been compiled on a Helsinki website that will be available soon in English. In addition, up-to-date information is available on the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis in Ukraine.

Goal: Productivity growth in service production, which is reflected in either improved services or cost savings

The need for change projects is growing and the consolidation of the digital foundation is progressing. Significant internal process development activities are targeted at, for example, the order-to-pay cycle and pay calculation. 

Positive discrimination in basic education will start using individual-based information instead of the current area-based information. This will ensure correct and reliable targeting of funding for those who need it. 

In the Culture and Leisure Division, the preparation of a programme for data- and knowledge-based management has been initiated to follow the digitalisation programme. 

In the Urban Environment Division, the utilisation of digitalisation and information targets, for example, public transport systems and speed control automation. The cost management of infrastructure projects is made more efficient through the introduction of project part information. Optimising ventilation in the city’s properties according to the actual use of the premises is tested using data from CO2 sensors. 

Goal: E-services always take priority when a city resident or company wants and is able to use them

In Helsinki, efforts are being made to improve the digital customer experience. Customer information is used to target existing services more reliably to those who need them. As regards pre-primary education starting in autumn 2022, the pre-primary education places were offered to parents and guardians electronically via the Asti online service. The pre-primary education offers were made to children who attend early childhood education services of the City of Helsinki. The parents and guardians were able to accept the place directly in the Asti online service. In addition, the basic education guidance and the guidance responsibility of the municipality of residence are centralised to Ohjaamo and terminal devices are arranged for pupils and students. 

The Culture and Leisure Division completed the digitalisation process of the Summer Job Voucher. In the future, the application and return process for the Summer Job Vouchers will take place electronically. In the Social Services and Health Care Division, the properties of the Maisa system, chat, self-care and other digital services are constantly being developed.