Winter break at playgrounds

Schoolchildren’s winter break is once again in week 8, that is 20–24 February 2023. Come to the playground with your friends to have fun during the winter break!
Kuvituskuva leikkipvistä lapsista

During the week, the playgrounds offer excursions, outdoor activities, sports, games, play and more. There are also activities for small children, including singing sessions and colour play. There are activities for babies as well. The playgrounds are open on weekdays from 9.00 to 16.00.

The activities are organised in Finnish and are free of charge. Parents have the opportunity to meet other families with children, and children can find playmates. You can warm your own lunch at the playground and make coffee or tea.

Playground instructors are there for the children, and they are responsible for creating a safe environment, ensuring that everyone gets to play in peace, equipment is safe to play with and schoolchildren are looked after according to the situation at hand.

The following playgrounds will be open during the winter break:

-    Playground Orava
-    Playground Kiiltotähti
-    Playground Piika
-    Playground Vähätupa
-    Playground Isonneva
-    Playground Ida
-    Playground Arabia
-    Playground Brahe
-    Playground Taivallahti
-    Playground Loru
-    Playground Kotinummi
-    Playground Viikkari
-    Playground Etupelto
-    Playground Maunula
-    Playground Lohikäärmepuisto
-    Playground Myllynsiipi
-    Playground Kesanto

More information about playgrounds and winter break activities can be found in the Leikkipuistot app, on the playgrounds’ own websites, in social media and in the City of Helsinki events calendar.(Link leads to external service)