Service building construction in Kruunuvuorenranta may be delayed

The City of Helsinki is preparing for the construction of the Kruunuvuorenranta service block and its nearby streets being delayed. Construction in the area is behind schedule.
Aerial photo of the construction site. The photo shows the areas of the suspended construction project and the approximate location of the protected streamlet. Streets are marked in red and the plots are marked in blue.
Aerial photo of the construction site. The photo shows the areas of the suspended construction project and the approximate location of the protected streamlet. Streets are marked in red and the plots are marked in blue.

The timetable for the construction of the southern part of Kruunuvuorenranta is currently expected to be updated in January. At that point, more information will be available on the impact of the streamlet in the area and the complaints made about the construction work.

The location of the streamlet has been determined

The City of Helsinki suspended street and pre-construction work in the southern part of Kruunuvuorenranta at the beginning of November. The work was suspended because of the discovery of a natural streamlet in the construction site area. A streamlet is a habitat type protected by the Water Act that cannot be endangered without a separate deviation permit.

The City has since determined the exact location of the streamlet. The protected streamlet is located in the area of the planned Stansvikin rantakatu and public beach.

The City is currently looking into how the preservation of the streamlet could be ensured either in full or to the largest possible extent. To this end, the City is looking into the possibility of narrowing Stansvikin rantakatu. The plans for the accessible beach will also be reviewed as necessary.

Implementation plan of the service block to be updated

The catchment area of the streamlet is located primarily in the area of the Kruunuvuorenranta service block, which is a former harbour area. The catchment area is not protected, but if the streamlet is to be preserved, it is important for water to flow into the catchment area. The City is looking into how the construction of the service block and the preservation of the streamlet could be coordinated.

The plans for the service block include the construction of a comprehensive school, a daycare centre, a youth centre and a sports hall. Construction is meant to begin in the spring, and the buildings are to be ready for use in 2026.

The start of the construction of the service block depends on the construction of Varisluodonkatu and the municipal infrastructure under the street. If the construction of Varisluodonkatu is delayed further, the construction of the service block will also be delayed.

If the service block cannot be constructed on schedule, it may become necessary to build a temporary pavilion school for the growing number of children living in the area. According to a preliminary estimate, the temporary school could be set up somewhere else near Haakoninlahdenkatu.

Processing of complaints in progress

The protected streamlet and its catchment area do not extend to residential plots and most of the streets. However, even in these areas, work has been suspended until the situation is reviewed.

In the autumn, NGOs submitted an application to the ELY Centre and Regional State Administrative Agency to suspend the construction project on nature preservation grounds. The ELY Centre rejected the application in November, but the decision is not yet legally valid. The Regional State Administrative Agency is still processing the application.

Detailed Planning next to the project area progressing as planned

The local detailed plan for Stansvikinkallio, which entered into effect in 2020, is currently being re-evaluated from the perspective of forest nature preservation in accordance with the City Strategy. The streets and plots currently awaiting construction are located outside of the area being re-evaluated.

The detailed plan revision proposal will be decided upon during 2024.

The streamlet located in the construction site does not extend to the Stansvikinkallio local detailed plan area. The streamlet is located primarily in the Rannat, puisto ja palvelukortteli (‘Shores, park and service block’) planning area, which entered into effect in 2012. A small part of the streamlet is located in a street area of the Kruunuvuorenrannan keskuskorttelit (‘Kruunuvuorenranta central blocks’) planning area, which entered into effect in 2022. 

Aerial photo of the service block area.
Aerial photo of the service block area.
Photo showing the approximate location of the streamlet and its catchment area.
Photo showing the approximate location of the streamlet and its catchment area.
The streets and plots to be constructed.
The streets and plots to be constructed.

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