Helsinki brand and visual identity

The Helsinki brand concept is used to build and strengthen the image of Helsinki. In Helsinki, everyone can lead a good life. The visual identity makes the City of Helsinki's brand strategy visible. With a clear and unified visual identity, we get more media coverage and return on investments.

Senaatintorilla uuden vuoden aattona kirkkaat esiintymisvalot värjäävät maiseman oranssinsävyiseksi
Photo: Juha Valkeakoski

Brand and marketing strategy

Helsinki’s brand and marketing strategy guide the use of the Helsinki brand and the marketing of the entire city organisation. Helsinki’s marketing is based on differentiation factors specified in the brand concept. With the help of the brand and marketing strategy, we communicate to Helsinki residents, staff, visitors and companies the essence of Helsinki.

Brand and marketing strategy

Visual identity guidelines

The guidelines specify the elements that constitute the visual identity, how to use them in different situations and applications. Within the framework of the guidelines, you can create easily identifiable and visually high-quality solutions well suited to their purpose.

Visual identity guidelines

Esimerkki tiedon visualisoinnista julkaisussa.

Visualising information

With the help of the information visualisation guidelines, you can produce clear, illustrative visualisations that are visually in line with the City of Helsinki communications. The guidelines will help you understand when visualisation is needed and when all you need is text and photos. 

Visualising information