
The Social Services, Health Care, and Rescue Services Committee is responsible for the division’s most important decisions. Decisions are also taken by individual elected representatives and officials.

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The City Council and City Board

In Helsinki, the City Council exercises the supreme authority referred to in the Local Government Act for duties related to social services, health care, and rescue services and is equivalent to the county council of wellbeing services counties.

The City Board is equivalent to the county board of wellbeing services counties. The duties of the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Committee, which is subordinate to the City Board, are divided partly based on legislation and partly on the City of Helsinki’s Administrative Regulations. Based on the Administrative Regulations, the City Council has also set up the Sub-committee for Individual Cases and the Rescue Services Sub-committee for the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Committee.

Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Committee

The Social Services, Health Care, and Rescue Services Committee is responsible for the division’s most important decisions. The committee has two sub-committees: the Sub-committee for Individual Cases and the Rescue Services Sub-committee.  

Social Services, Health Care an Rescue Services Committee(Link leads to external service)

Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Comittee's Sub-comittee for Individual Cases(Link leads to external service)

Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Comittee's Rescue Services Sub-comittee(Link leads to external service)

Decisions by officials

In addition to the committee, decisions are taken by individual elected representatives and officials. 
You can view the decisions taken by officials by clicking the link below:

Decisions by officials in the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division(Link leads to external service)

Administrative Regulations and Rules of Operation

The Administrative Regulations set out the organisation of the city’s administration and operations.

Administrative Regulations of the City of Helsinki (pdf in Finnish)

The rules of operation for each division define their organisation, duties and powers in more detail than the Administrative Regulations.

Rules of Operation for the Social Services, Health Care (pdf in Finnish).

Read more about Helsinki's Administrative Regulations and rules of operation