Pakila Lower Secondary School

Located in Länsi-Pakila, our school is a lower secondary school that includes grades 7-9. The teaching language is Finnish.
Pakilan yläasteen koulu
Photo: Karo Pirkkalainen

Contact information

Halkosuontie 88, 00660 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map
Finnish Swedish
P.O. Box 66305, 00099 City of Helsinki

Deputy principal
Taija Lehrback
+358 9 310 29787

School secretary
Siina Lehtola
+358 9 310 2411

Leino Juha
+358 9 310 82410

School year 2024-2025

Language studies

English, French, German
English, French, Swedish, German
Spanish, French, German

Weighted curriculum education

music, physical

Available: auditorium and hall


Halkosuontie 88, 00660 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

The route to the main entrance

  • The accessible parking space is located outdoors over 10 m from the entrance. The width of the parking space is at least 3.6 m.
  • The route to the entrance is guided, smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.

The main entrance

  • The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
  • The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door requires the use of a door phone, opening automatically.

In the facility

  • The customer service point has 4 floors.
  • For moving around, there is a lift, which can hold a wheelchair; the door opens with an access control key. The floor numbers in the lift can be felt with fingers. The button for the exit floor stands out from the other buttons. (The minimum dimensions for an accessible lift are width 1.1 m and depth 1.4 m.)
  • The indoor walkways have a ramp over 6 m long without an intermediate landing, with handrails on both sides.
  • The doors in the facility stand out clearly.
  • The facility has an accessible toilet on the entrance floor.
  • There is a second accessible toilet on floor 1.
  • There is a third accessible toilet on floor 2.
  • The service point has a fixed induction loop in the meeting room (with active T-sign), lecture room (with active T-sign), assembly hall (with active T-sign), gym (with active T-sign) and also a portable induction loop.