Labour Court decision concerning wage and salary payments in Helsinki

The Labour Court of Finland has given its decision in a case concerning wage and salary payments by the City of Helsinki. Action had been taken against Helsinki by two organisations: Sosiaali- ja terveysalan neuvottelujärjestö Sote ry and Julkisen alan unioni Jau ry.
Kaupungintalon aula.

The organisations demanded that Helsinki pay a compensatory fine because problems with the city’s wage and salary payments had resulted in some employees and officeholders not receiving some or any of their pay.

The Labour Court ordered the City of Helsinki to pay a compensatory fine of €6,000 to Sote ry and €9,000 to Jau ry. The city must also pay the organisations’ legal expenses.

The City of Helsinki admitted that the regulations concerning wage and salary payments are indisputable. However, the city denied having violated the provisions of the collective agreement intentionally or with gross negligence. Efforts have been made to pay wages and salaries in a timely manner and in the right amount, and the provisions of the collective agreement have not been intentionally violated. The city has taken all possible measures to prevent errors in wage and salary payments.

The decision of the Labour Court is final and cannot be appealed.