Early childhood education in the summer

Most children are on holiday in the summer. Similarly, many of the staff are also on holiday. This is why most early childhood education units are closed. The map below shows which units in Helsinki stay open throughout the summer.

Open daycare centres in the summer 2024, map

Daycare centres open in the summer: 

Southern early childhood education district:

  • Daycare centres Livornonkatu, Pajalahti, Riikka, Roba and Ruoholahden lastentalo

Western early childhood education district:

  • Daycare centres Aada, Kaarelanraitti, Kanerva, Kolkka, Kuninkaantammi, Lapinmäki, Lasten Kartano and Ruskeasuo

Central early childhood education district:

  • Daycare centres Kotikallio, Kumpupilvi, Linnunlaulu and Verkkosaari 

Northern early childhood education district:

  • Daycare centres Korento and Tammi

North-Eastern early childhood education district, no 1

  • Daycare centres Longinoja, Louhikko, Nuotti, Tilhi, Toivo

North-Eastern early childhood education district, no 2

  • Daycare centres Kankarepuisto, Kaskisavu, Klaara, Pentinkulma and Pikkuprinssi

South-Eastern early childhood education district

  • Daycare centres Herttoniemi, Satama and Yliskylä

Eastern early childhood education district, no 1

  • Daycare centres Kallahti, Keula, Meritähti and Vaapukka

Eastern early childhood education district, no 2

  • Daycare centres Fallpakka, Kontula, Liinakko, Neulanen and Sakara

Swedish-language daycare centres:

  • Bertha Maria-Hemmet, Blomängen, Nätholmen and Pärlan

Round-the-clock centres Kanerva, Puotinharju and Verkkosaari will be open throughout the summer.

Early childhood education activities in the summer

It is typical of summer activities that the children and adults in a group change weekly during the holiday season. To make planning easier, each early childhood education area will choose a theme for the summer. Their activities are planned around this theme. The themes may include the sea, friendship, or reading, for example. In the summer, many activities are planned to take place outdoors.

Starting early childhood education in the summer

It is easiest for a child to start attending early childhood education at a time when the location, adults and friends will remain the same. The best time to do this is after the summer activities, when a new term begins in July–August. In 2024, many daycare centres open on 29 July 2024. Schools start on 8 August 2024, at which point children move from pre-primary education to school. However, you always have the right to apply for a place in early childhood education based on the child’s needs.