COVID-19 infections in Riistavuori and Kontula senior centres and Laakso Hospital

Residents of the Riistavuori senior centre and Metsäkoto group home were diagnosed with COVID-19 infections. There are a total of 11 residents infected.
Kaksi huonekasvia ruukussa.

Residents of the Riistavuori senior centre and Metsäkoto group home were diagnosed with COVID-19 infections on Sunday, 2 January. Two residents had previously contracted COVID-19, which is why all those exposed in the ward were tested. There are a total of 11 residents infected. Five staff members have also been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection.

Metsäkoto is a 26-bed group home that specialises in the care of geropsychiatric residents. Residents have a psychiatric or moderate memory disorder diagnosis or both. The group home is under lockdown due to the infections and cannot be visited.

The next of kin of the infected residents have been contacted and informed of the situation.

In addition, a COVID-19 positive staff member has exposed eight residents to COVID-19 in the Seljakoti group home of the Riistavuori senior centre. Seljakoti is a 14-bed group home whose residents need care due to memory disorders.

Twelve residents of the Kantola assessment and rehabilitation unit of the Kontula senior centre have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Kantola is a 19-bed group home for Helsinki residents with reduced mobility and ability to function. The unit has been shut down due to the infections.

In addition, three patients and fewer than five staff members have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in ward 6 of Laakso Hospital.

Photo: Virpi Velin