The current multipurpose building in Suutarila (Seulastentie 11) will be demolished and replaced with a new building. Demolition work will begin around the end of February and beginning March and is expected to last until June. After that, the construction of a new multipurpose building on the plot will begin, which is planned to be commissioned in autumn 2027.
The new multipurpose building will have facilities for basic education, a daycare centre, a library and youth facilities. There will be space for about 700 pupils and more than 200 daycare children, while the current multipurpose building has space for 345 pupils and 140 daycare children.
Users of the premises to be demolished will move to temporary facilities located at Vaskiniitynkuja 5 in February. Once the new premises are completed, all current operators will return there, except for the dental clinic. The dental clinic will continue to operate in temporary facilities until it relocates to the new Malmi Family Centre and Health and Well-being Centre to be built in Malmi.
Access from Suutarilantie to the parking area of the multipurpose building will be cut off
The construction site will be fenced before the start of the demolition work, at which point the access from Suutarilantie to the parking area of the multipurpose building will be cut off. Some of the parking area of the health centre next to the multipurpose building will still remain in use for the health centre’s clients, but it will be accessed via Seulastentie.
Materials of the building to be demolished will be reused
The demolition and new construction project will emphasise sustainable development and responsible solutions, both in the choice of materials and the building’s operation. Materials from the demolition of the old multipurpose building will be recycled and reused in the new construction. The building will also feature renewable energy production through solar panels and a heat pump.
The implementation model is a lifecycle project
SRV has been selected as the contractor for the project. This is a lifecycle project, which means that SRV will be responsible not only for the design and implementation of the project, but also for the maintenance and servicing of the property for 20 years after its completion.
The new premises have been planned together with the school personnel, and personnel and pupils are also involved in further planning.