Have your say on the state of our streets and parks this summer

What do you think of the state of Helsinki's streets and parks during the summer? Which street is the cleanest, or is there a park that needs maintenance? The City of Helsinki invites the city’s residents and visitors to respond to a survey on the success of maintenance and cleaning this summer.
Fredrikinkatu street.
Summertime on Fredrikinkatu. Photo: Kuvatoimisto Kuvio Oy

The purpose of the survey is to collect information on the success of the summer maintenance of streets and parks in 2023. The map-based survey will be available from 18 September to 2 October 2023 and will take about 5–10 minutes to complete.

You can answer questions about the maintenance of pavements, bicycle paths, roadways and parks. You can also give feedback on issues such as the maintenance of plants and lawns, the usability and placement of litter bins and the condition of park equipment. The responses received will be used to develop maintenance.

”We want Helsinki to be a beautiful, green and clean summer city. Now you have an opportunity to tell us how we did in achieving this and how we can keep on enhancing the maintenance of our streets and parks during summers”, says Quality Controller Sari Yli-Säntti from Helsinki’s Urban Environment Division.

If you have detailed feedback that requires immediate action, please submit it via the City’s feedback channel at https://palautteet.hel.fi/en/(Link leads to external service).

You can take the survey in Finnish, Swedish or English.