Agreement reached between NCC and owners of Kontula shopping centre for major renovation

The companies that own the shopping centre have reached an agreement on the development of the area in collaboration with NCC Property Development Oy. The aim of developing Kontula shopping centre is to revitalise the central areas in a number of ways.
Opened in 1967, Kontula shopping centre is Finland's largest open-air shopping centre. Photo: Anne Pietarinen, Helsingin kaupunginmuseo
Opened in 1967, Kontula shopping centre is Finland's largest open-air shopping centre. Photo: Anne Pietarinen, Helsingin kaupunginmuseo

The renovation of Kontula shopping centre is progressing. The companies that own the shopping centre have reached an agreement on the development of the area in collaboration with NCC Property Development Oy.

In addition to the developer partner NCC, the agreement parties include KOy Kontulan Asemakeskus, Kontulan Ostoskeskus Oy, Kontulan Palvelutalo Oy and the business premises of the City of Helsinki's property enterprise KOy Helsingin toimitilat. The signed agreement concerns the development of Kontula shopping centre.

The aim of developing Kontula shopping centre is to revitalise the central areas in a number of ways. New residential construction, public facilities and business premises are planned near the shopping centre.
In the future, the City aims to strengthen the role of Kontula as a district centre. The aim is to also diversify the range of housing options available in the area. According to Helsinki’s new city plan, Kontula centre will be developed into a versatile area consisting of a combination of retail and public services, business premises, housing, parks, recreational and sports services, as well as urban culture.

Project also facilitates development of city services

Opened in 1967, Kontula shopping centre is Finland's largest open-air shopping centre.

In 2020, the City sought a new direction for the development of the Kontula shopping centre area through an architectural competition. The competition was organised in collaboration with the owners of the business properties in the shopping centre area.

The winner was a proposal called Vaellus, which was created by Arkkitehtitoimisto OPUS, with landscape architecture by Nomaji and technical special planning by Ramboll Finland. The winning proposal is only indicative, as the actual designs for the area will be prepared as part of detailed planning. The aim is to begin the detailed planning work in autumn 2024.

The development of the centre of Kontula will also facilitate the development of city services In 2023, the service design agency Kuudes collected ideas for a new Kontula Community House service concept, which, in addition to library and youth spaces, would include communal areas, for example. The chosen theme for the concept is Food-Street-Authenticity.

-The centre of Kontula is an important place for residents, businesses and other stakeholders in the area, as well as for event organisers and other users of the area, and they also wish to participate in its planning. The City's goal is to ensure that as many people as possible are informed about the planning process and that participation is easy," says Project Director Ritva Tanner from the Urban Development Unit at the City of Helsinki.

In 2019, the City of Helsinki granted a joint development reservation to four property companies in Kontula's centre. In order to meet the conditions of this reservation, the companies initiated preparations for the property development process. After the idea competition held in collaboration with the City in 2020, the process progressed to planning the development options, market dialogues and a search for developer partners. NCC was selected as the developer partner.

-NCC's task at this stage is to explore the development and planning potential of the area. The aim is to initiate a zoning amendment process based on the plans, and find an attractive and sustainable implementation solution for all parties involved in the development," says Head of Department Teemu Rämö from NCC Property Development.

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