Third dose available to people aged 18 and older without appointment at vaccination points

Helsinki residents over the age of 18 can now get the third COVID-19 vaccine dose without appointment at all vaccination points.
Sairaanhoitaja ohjeistaa rokotettua henkilöä.

Helsinki residents over the age of 18 can now get the third COVID-19 vaccine dose without appointment at all vaccination points. Healthy adults aged 18–56 can get the third dose when at least 4 months have passed since their second dose.

You can find the locations and opening hours of all vaccination points at You can get the vaccine by showing your identity card or Kela card at the vaccination point.

“We want to make sure that all adults can receive the third dose as quickly as possible. Now that we have enough vaccinators at all vaccination points, we can offer the third dose to all adults without appointment,” says Timo Lukkarinen, Medical Director of Health Stations.

You can also book an appointment for a third dose

The quickest way to book an appointment is at leads to external service). You can also book an appointment by calling tel. 09 310 46300 (Mon–Fri 8:00–16:00).

If you have booked a vaccination appointment but want to have it sooner, you can do so by cancelling the appointment and booking a new one at leads to external service).

Further information

Photo: Virpi Velin