Helsinki has 26 winter swimming spots, of which 10 are in public use. Public winter swimming spots are open to all for a fee or free. Swimming at a private winter swimming spot requires membership in a winter swimming club or similar.
All winter swimming spots are subject to self-supervision. This means that the operator of the winter swimming spot regularly monitors the quality of the water and ensures that swimming is safe.
Defects found in the self-supervision of winter swimming spots
The health protection control of the City of Helsinki regularly monitors public winter swimming spots. In 2024, inspections were carried out at ten public winter swimming spots in Helsinki. The inspections covered the number of visitors to winter swimming spots, self-supervision, information practices, risks to swimming water and the cleaning and maintenance of related facilities.
In the control visits, it was found that most winter swimming spots did not have sufficient self-supervision. Swimming water quality was not examined regularly at all the spots. At some of the spots, the water quality was not examined at all. The operators of the winter swimming spots were instructed on their responsibilities.
Risks to the hygienic quality of swimming water increase especially during the winter swimming season
As a rule, the water quality of the winter swimming spots has been good based on the control results, but it may deteriorate from time to time. At winter swimming spots in the urban environment, precipitation and snow melt water flush impurities into the swimming water. Storm water also strains wastewater treatment and management, as a result of which sewerage overflows and bypasses can occur, impairing the quality of the swimming water if reaching a swimming spot. The proximity of ports and winter storage and maintenance sites for boats also increases risks to swimming water quality.
If you suspect that the quality of the swimming water has deteriorated, it is recommended to take a shower after swimming. The suspicion should be reported to the winter swimming spot operator and the health protection authority via the ilppa.fi service.