Youth work support available through May Day celebrations

However, all young people are urged to celebrate May Day in small groups at home or in its vicinity.
Kuvassa tyttö istuu kalliolla

Youth work services will provide young people under 18 years of age with support and assistance throughout the Helsinki districts in the evening and during the night on May Day Eve, 30 April. However, the operational managers wish to emphasise that all young people are urged to celebrate May Day in small groups at home or in its vicinity. Gatherings should be avoided. Helsinki will be organising plenty of remote programming and activities online during the holidays.

The operation will be organised by the City of Helsinki youth services in cooperation with partners such as the Helsinki and Uusimaa districts of the Finnish Red Cross, Saapas Operations, Children of the Station, the cities of Vantaa and Espoo, Snellu special youth work services of the Helsinki parishes, the police and first aid services.

“It is important for parents to talk to their adolescent children and tell them that they should celebrate May Day at home or near it in small groups. We know that the year has been tough for all young people and they miss being able to spend time together, but large gatherings are still not safe due to the coronavirus crisis,” says Minna Sirviö of the City of Helsinki Youth Services, who is one of the managers of the operation.

Helsinki will be providing a wide and diverse range of remote programming and activities online(Link leads to external service) through the entire May Day weekend. More information at

Discussion support during the May Day holidays will also be available through the national SekasinChat, which is open on weekdays and bank holidays 9 am–12 pm and at weekends 3 pm–12 pm.

Photo: Jussi Hellsten