Park renovations near Stansvik Manor

The City of Helsinki is renovating the Onnentemppelinpuisto Park in Laajasalo, which is part of the Stansvik Manor Park. This year, some weeds and a few trees will be removed from the area.
Onnentemppeli, which is in poor condition, is up for renovation.
Onnentemppeli gazebo photographed before the demolition work began. Photo: City of Helsinki

In November–December, weeds and 2–3 trees will be removed from the vicinity of Stansvik Manor.

These works are part of the renovation of Onnentemppelinpuisto Park, which will be carried out gradually over a period of about ten years. The goal is to prevent Onnentemppelinpuisto Park from overgrowing and to gradually restore it as a clear part of the surrounding manor park.

Next year, the old gazebo at Onnentemppelinpuisto Park, i.e. its namesake Onnentemppeli, which is in poor condition, is up for renovation. Most of the gazebo demolition work is already complete. Future reconstruction will be carried out under the supervision of the City Museum.

Onnentemppelinpuisto Park is part of a nationally significant built cultural environment. The park renovation has been planned in a way that the area’s diverse nature is preserved and that its old trees retain their habitat. Onnentemppelinpuisto Park will continue to feature plenty of trees and thickets.

The works carried out in Onnentemppelinpuisto Park are based on the management and development plan of Stansvik Manor Park, which was completed in 2023.

Location of Onnentemppelinpuisto Park on the map.
The location of Onnentemppelinpuisto Park is marked on the map in pink. Photo: City of Helsinki

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