Over 42 thousand residents participated in the third round of OmaStadi co-development votes. The success of this third round of participatory budgeting was made possible by active city residents, city employees, experts, associations and volunteers.
We invite residents to celebrate the third round of OmaStadi participatory budgeting, the City of Helsinki, and to prepare for the festivities of Helsinki Day on 12 June.
OmaStadi thank-you event ties third round in a bow
The event programme includes both music and thank-you speeches, one of which will be held by the Mayor of Helsinki, Juhana Vartiainen.
“Participatory budgeting comes naturally to the City of Helsinki and to its residents. OmaStadi encourages city residents to voice their thoughts. Successful proposals will be developed into co-development projects with the City’s experts. I am glad to encourage these types of creativity boosts, which improves the attractiveness of our capital,” says Vartiainen.
OmaStadi boosts new ideas and discussion
“We should not take a functioning democracy for granted. OmaStadi is a successful way to strengthen local democracy by supporting the discussion on common matters, by creating a sense of community and an understanding of influence, as well as how common matters are handled in the City,” says Kirsi Verkka, development manager responsible for OmaStadi.
In late winter, residents of Helsinki voted on nearly 700 proposals to choose 45 that will be implemented. Residents participated in the implementation planning of projects with the City’s experts on the OmaStadi website and at various events. Anyone can keep up with the planning and implementation of the project on the website.
Participatory budgeting is an established practice in Helsinki. It inspires residents to participate and have an impact. In the third round of OmaStadi, which is currently underway, EUR 8.8 million will be used to implement projects proposed and voted on by residents.
The Helsinki City Museum is located on the corner of the Senate Square at Aleksanterinkatu 16. Residents of Helsinki are welcome to join the OmaStadi thank-you event, which is held on Tuesday, 11 June from 4 pm to 6 pm, without separate sign-up.