Temporary land mass storage area prepared for Malminkenttä

The City of Helsinki is preparing for the preconstruction of residential areas in Malminkenttä. A fenced-in field, or logistics area, will be created for the safe temporary storage of the land masses excavated from the area.
The logistics area will be located in the northern section of Malminkenttä. Photo: Suomen Ilmakuva (2020)
The logistics area will be located in the northern section of Malminkenttä. Photo: Suomen Ilmakuva (2020)

The logistics area will be constructed in the northern section of the former Helsinki-Malmi Airport, east of the taxiway. It is expected to be finished by autumn.

The preparations for the construction will start with clearing of the brushwood and bushes. This will be carried out in March before the start of the bird nesting season. The area mainly consists of tall grass.

The start of the actual construction in the logistics area is scheduled for April. The area will be fenced in, and a rainwater wetland will be created in the northern section of the area. Open ditches will also be constructed in the area.

Wetland to help with cleaning rainwater

The area constructed for the processing of land masses is necessary for the future construction of the Malminkenttä area. The area will be used for the temporary storage of the land mass generated by excavation and for the promotion of local utilisation of the land masses. No contaminated land will be stored in the area.

Once the logistics area is in use, any rainwater from the area will be directed into a wetland to catch most of the sediment. Water from the wetland will be directed to existing ditches.

Natural values in the area have been taken into account in the plans for the logistics area and its construction. A silt curtain will be installed into the current ditch for the duration of the excavation work to prevent any sediment from entering Longinoja, and water quality will be monitored regularly.