

The French comics artist Charles Berberian has strolled around in summer-time Helsinki with writer Anna Rozen. The result was a charming book about the Finnish capital, illustrated with over 100 drawings by the world famous comics author, accompanied by short diary like texts by his companion.

Together with comic artist Philippe Dupuy Berberian has published books about cities like Barcelona, New York and Istanbul . He has described Helsinki as “a combination of Greenwich Village and St Petersburg”.

“When we first arrived, I was struck by a particular shade of yellow, the colour of many of the large wooden houses. It was summer, and in the evening light that drew itself out like the long shadows, this yellow colour, soft and warm, a golden yellow, seemed to be filling itself with light in preparation for the winter”, Anna Rozen writes.

Charles Berberian, Anna Rozen: Helsinki. Näkymiä kaupungista. Visions d’une ville. Views of a City. WSOY 2014
The texts are in French, English and Finnish.

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Helsinki Info - English Supplement

Publisher: City of Helsinki
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