The winner of the Makasiiniranta competition will be announced next week – watch the event live online

The quality and concept competition to develop the Makasiiniranta shoreline was launched in spring 2021. The winner of the competition will be announced on Thursday 24 November 2022. You can watch the event live on the Helsinki-kanava website from 16.00 onwards.
Photo: Helsinki Partners / Kari Ylitalo

The announcement event for the Makasiiniranta quality and concept competition will be held at Helsinki City Hall on 24 November. The event is intended for the competition participants and the media. Residents can watch the event in English live on the Helsinki-kanava website(Link leads to external service) from 16.00 onwards. After the event, a recording of it will also be available, subtitled in Finnish and Swedish.

Event programme from 16.00 onwards

• Opening speech
  Juhana Vartiainen, Mayor of Helsinki, chair of the jury

• Presentation of competition entries
   Kees Christiaanse, Professor Emeritus, architect

•  Award ceremony
   Mayor Juhana Vartiainen

•  Winner’s speech

The event will be hosted by Hanna Harris, Chief Design Officer at the City of Helsinki.

On 12 May 2021, the City of Helsinki launched a competition to find a partner for the development and implementation of the Makasiiniranta area at the South Harbour. Makasiiniranta will be developed as part of the pedestrian city centre and the seaside trail around the shores of Helsinki, and as a location for the new Architecture and Design Museum.

The two-stage quality and concept competition was intended for both Finnish and international operators in the construction and property industry. The first stage of the competition included nine entries, four of which were selected for the second stage: Ahti, Boardwalk, Makasiinipromenadi and Saaret.